Voices ROx
Voices ROx is the brain child of alumni and scholarship winner, Andrea, who attended an empowering YOUCAN conference here in Manitoba, and another in Alberta. Andrea was inspired to create an opportunity for youth-in-care to use fitness to alleviate stress and deal with the frustration that comes with being in the system. After presenting her plan to YOUCAN and the United Way, she was given the funds to create her program, which she generously turned over to Voices and even asked members to come up with the name!
Voices ROx is open to youth-in-care ages 12 to 20. Want to volunteer? Awesome! Call 982-4956 or drop by for more info.
May 19th, 2022: Red Horse Connection
We’re going to spend time with horses! Voices and Hoises (say it like you’re from Boston, it’s great!)
There is no cost to participate in the activity, but you must have a completed waiver form. If you don’t mind having your picture taken, please have that form filled out, too.
Red Horse Connection Waiver Form
Red Horse Connection Photo Release Form
Call Lyn at 204-982-4956 or email outreach@voices.mb.ca to let us know you’d like to participate! We will be leaving from Voices at 4:30pm, and returning back to the office by 7pm.